Friday, December 31, 2010

It's Time

Published as "Writers' Block", 4/2010. Self Expression Magazine

Hunter Thompson once emerged from a haze of drugs, booze and violence to write, “When the going gets weird, the weird get pro.” The going isn’t weird yet, but we intend to change that.

All too often, the mainstream overpowers the pioneers of creativity, pushing them to the side. Like so many before them, the lesser known people of our fair city do not get the recognition they so rightfully deserve. These artists forge on, fighting for every inch of their exposure, battling the likes of Nickelback, Beyonce and the Jersey Shore. Too many have either gone un-noticed, or were labeled “weird”. Well guess what, it’s time the weird went pro.

It’s high time the other end of Milwaukee’s spectrum, its underlying substance and culture, gained the exposure and the notoriety that is long overdue. Right now, there are musical acts preparing to play in smoke shrouded bars to no one but the other bands and the bartenders, earning only enough money to cover their tab and gas money to get home. Painters and photographers are putting the finishing touches on their works of art. When they do, they will end up using them to furnish their own living rooms. It’s time they read articles about themselves, written by people who want to see them go beyond that point.

We know for a fact that Milwaukee is so much more than a city known for drinking to excess among it’s sea of taverns , lounges and nightclubs. True, any member of the staff from Self Expression will most likely drink your Irish uncle under the table, thanks to the countless hours spent in these fine places. We will never deny that, but even in the face of Milwaukee’s nightlife, the subculture of creativity in this town is abundant. However, a problem remains. It is still underrated and underestimated.

SE was started as a simple idea, to shine a light on the underground art and music scenes. What we will strive to bring you is an in-depth look on all things creative, to not only help all of us enjoy their work, but to bring it more exposure as well. Everyone deserves a spotlight, and in a place filled with so many creative people, something great is bound to happen. Who knows where the next Janis Joplin, Andy Warhol or Kurt Vonnegut may spring up? What we hope to provide is the push they need.

What SE promises to do is much more than what has been done in the past. We will immerse ourselves in Milwaukee’s culture and praise it, rather than act superior and criticize it. We won’t write reviews, what we will write are profiles. If we go to see a musical act, we won’t listen for a half hour, write some notes, then leave. Instead we will sit down with the creators and discuss their music. What it’s about, what it’s like playing it and why the love to play it. If there’s an art showing, we’ll be ecstatic to find out the artist’s inspirations. If we hear about a bar or restaurant that’s more than a “cookie cutter” establishment, we’ll tell you what it’s like to sit down and enjoy the atmosphere.

It’s time there was a publication in Milwaukee that dove into creativity with an open mind and willingness to join it. We’ll listen to you and become fans of what you love. We will share your interests, your obsessions. Because, after all… it is about damn time someone did.

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