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"Peanuts" by Charles M. Schulz |
I’m one of those people that always seem to have people asking them for advice. Why, you ask? I wish I could tell you. The truth is, I don't have definitive answer why, I only have suspicions. Maybe I have a welcoming demeanor, an authoritative air about me… or maybe I look like Dr. Phil. Holy hell, I hope it isn’t that last one.
Progressing through the years of
taking on this pseudo-psychiatrist role of mine, I’ve gone from avoiding the
type of people that seemed to give off that “will you help me?” vibe, to
getting used to, and then actually enjoying
the process of providing advice and guidance.
The problem that always seems to loom around though, is the fact that
people aren’t always willing to ask for advice… and I never want to be “that
guy” and give advice when nobody asked for it in the first place. Such an impasse does create a bit of a gap.
With that being said, I thought
it might be in good form to sit down and write down some general advice. My hope in doing this is to help someone out
there that I didn’t realize needed it. I'm sure you've already glanced below, and as you can tell it’s in the style of a list. The reason behind that is that I wrote
everything as it came to me… and my mind works in random short spurts.
While you make your way down the
line, please keep in mind that I have never claimed to be infallible. This is all information that I've picked up
over the years, either by watching others, or primarily, by learning from my
own mistakes… so don’t be surprised if some of this stuff doesn't make sense to
you, or doesn’t work for you. Shit, many times I don't follow my own advice... which usually results in disastrous situations. But that's a whole other post entirely.
Regardless, you have been warned… now on with the show.
++Revised: 2/12/2012
Regardless, you have been warned… now on with the show.
++Revised: 2/12/2012
-Don't kid yourselves, fellas. Personality & humor may take you a long way... but without looks, you'll never cross the finish line.
-The only thing you're going to win from a McDonalds Monopoly came is a small pack of fries and a large set of love handles.
-The only thing you're going to win from a McDonalds Monopoly came is a small pack of fries and a large set of love handles.
-If you're in the shower and you
suddenly can’t remember if you washed your hair, rub your head with your hand. If your hair squeaks, you've already washed
-Know your limits. If you constantly shoot beyond them, you'll constantly experience disappointment.
-Guilt trips rarely work, as they tend to annoy the requested.
-Know your limits. If you constantly shoot beyond them, you'll constantly experience disappointment.
-Guilt trips rarely work, as they tend to annoy the requested.
-Drive as if everyone around you
doesn’t know what the hell they're doing… because they usually don’t.
-One may think being a realist is more depressing than being a romantic, but in our realistic world... it's quite the contrary.
-One may think being a realist is more depressing than being a romantic, but in our realistic world... it's quite the contrary.
-Guys: Trim your nose hair.
-Ladies: If you ask a guy what he’s thinking about and
he says, “nothing”, 9 out of 10 times he’s being honest and there’s zero activity goin’ on up there.
-Be nice to the person in the
drive thru. They’re already having a
shitty day, and they don't need you adding to it. Not to mention, they don’t get paid very much… so losing their job over messing
with your food isn't a very big worry.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
-Not everyone should have a
boyfriend or girlfriend all the time, sometimes it’s much better for a person
to be single.
-Never spend your time searching
for a relationship and settle on someone just to have one. Instead, you should spend time meeting people
you enjoy having in your company, and if one of them turns out to be special to
you, then give it a shot.
-There will always be someone
else that’s smarter, funnier, tougher, prettier and better than you are. So
constantly comparing yourself to others will lead to a very miserable life.
-Guys: Using the same, tired Fight Club and Heat
quotes will make you look simple.
-Girls: Using the same, tired Marilyn Monroe quotes
will make you look simple.
-Making mistakes is an important
part of life that you can’t avoid, so take a damn chance once in a while.
-Let that zit fade away naturally
and avoid the chance of a scar. No
matter what you do, people will notice, but most won’t mention it... they’ve
been there too.
-Rage can easily be mistaken as mental clarity.
-Rage can easily be mistaken as mental clarity.
-Use moderation as a starting point.
-It’s easier to spend than to earn. That may sound like common sense, but you’d
be surprised on how many people don’t realize it.
-Common Sense is relative to intelligence.
-If you're dealt a 2 - 7 off-suit... play it. Winning the pot on that will make the victory that much sweeter.
-If you're dealt a 2 - 7 off-suit... play it. Winning the pot on that will make the victory that much sweeter.
-When you're really drunk, listen when you think you should be
-An open mind is a wonderful learning tool.
-Slower traffic TO THE RIGHT.
-Coincidences DO happen, so try not to over-analyze a situation.
-Just because you’re single on
Valentine’s Day, doesn't mean you have to hate the holiday.
-The trash of pain, the dog shit
of sorrow and the dirt of bitterness can sometimes become the compost from
which the plant of creative inspiration grows.
-If you take yourself too
seriously, everyone else will think of you as a joke.
-Keep a handful of napkins in your
car. Boogers happen to everyone.
-Ladies, don’t be weirded out if a guy
has a Zombie Survival Plan. Most of us do.
-Appreciate what and who you have, many are not as lucky as you.
-Your memory is better than you think.
-In the wake of an unwanted event, drastic change usually isn't the best course of action.
-If someone has reasons for not liking the same music as you, don't dismiss them… they might
actually make a good point.
-Romantic movies do not reflect
life. This means:
- -The chubby comic relief will NEVER land the dream girl.
- -Your crush won’t suddenly realize they're in love with you just because you're there all the time.
- -Girls: Don’t expect an Oscar-worthy speech when you're getting an apology.
- -Guys: If you screw up big, she’s not going to fully forgive you right away.
- -The chubby comic relief will NEVER land the dream girl.
- -Your crush won’t suddenly realize they're in love with you just because you're there all the time.
- -Girls: Don’t expect an Oscar-worthy speech when you're getting an apology.
- -Guys: If you screw up big, she’s not going to fully forgive you right away.
-Have a dream to hang onto, when all else goes wrong... it can be the ray of hope you need to push on.
-Many people think they're clever by
saying something like, “There’s THREE sides to every story: Person A’s version,
Person B’s version, and the truth”.
Often times, Person A or B might actually be honest.
-Trying to impress others is
pointless. The act will eventually wear
thin, and the people that haven’t already seen through it will definitely then. Believe it or not, others will be more
impressed if you don’t care about impressing anyone.
-Be as honest as you can. It’s never a good thing to be branded as a
liar, even if you want to seem “edgy”.
-If you drop an empty beer bottle on
the ground, don’t stomp on it and yell, “MOZEL TOV!!!”. Just pick it up.
-Girls: If a guy asks you an up-front question, give
an up-front answer.
If you ask an up-front question, be prepared for an answer you may not
-Acting tough and being tough are not
the same thing, and 90% of your peers can tell the difference.
-Get in the habit of questioning
everything. Once you do, you'd be surprised how many people out there
are totally full of shit.
-Just because someone famous said
something that sounds insightful,
doesn’t mean that it is.
-The ONLY guarantee in life is
that it will eventually end. Everything
else is up for grabs, so go for it.
(Though, just because you're able to go for it, doesn't mean you should.)
Like what you read? Check these out:
Full Disclosure
Voice of Others
(Though, just because you're able to go for it, doesn't mean you should.)
Like what you read? Check these out:
Full Disclosure
Voice of Others